
Use the scheduler to invoke repetitive or one-shot actions

OpenServerless Operator offers the possibility to deploy a simple “scheduler” to invoke repetitive or one-shot OpenWhisk actions. For example, an action executing a SQL script to create a PostgreSQL Database or inserting reference data, or simply an action that sends notifications with an API call every day at the same time.

How to Activate the Scheduler

Using the ops CLI, you can enable the scheduler with the following command:

ops config enable --cron

# if OpenServerless is not yet deployed
ops setup devcluster

# alternatively if OpenServerless is already deployed
ops update apply

By default, the internal scheduler executes a job every minute that starts searching for OpenWhisk actions with special annotations.

How to Deploy a Repetitive Action

Let’s assume we want to deploy an OpenWhisk action to be executed every 30 minutes. Suppose it’s an action that simply prints something, like this:

def main(args): 
    print('Hello from a repeated action')
    return {
        'body': 'action invoked'

abd save it to a file called

To deploy the action and instruct OpenServerless to execute it every 30 minutes, issue the following command:

ops action create scheduled-action -a cron "*/30 * * * *"

So you can create the action in the usual way and at the end add -a cron yourCronExpression.

How to Deploy a One-Shot Execution Action

Now suppose we want to execute the same action only once.

To deploy an action and request a single execution automatically via the OpenServerless Scheduler, issue the following command:

ops action create scheduled-action -a autoexec true

If we now print activation logs with ops activation poll, we will see our action execution log:

Activation: 'scheduled' (ebd532139a464e9d9532139a46ae9d8a)
    "2024-03-08T07:28:02.050739962Z stdout: Hello from a scheduled action"


The Scheduler executes the action according to the following rules:

Actions are called in a non-blocking fashion. To verify execution and logs, use the command ops activation list. Actions are invoked without any parameters. It is advised to deploy actions with self-contained parameters.