Linux Server

Install on a Linux Server

Server Installation

This page describes how to install OpenServerless on a Linux server accessible with SSH.

This is a single node installation, so it is advisable only for development purposes.


Before installing, you need to:

  1. install the OpenServerless CLI ops;

  2. provision a server running a Linux operating system, either a virtual machine or a physical server, and you know its IP address or DNS name;

  3. configure it to have passwordless ssh access and sudo rights;

  4. open the firewall to have access to ports 80, 443 and 6443 or 16443 from your client machine;

  5. configure the DNS name for the server and choose the services you want to enable;


If the prerequisites are satisfied, execute the dommand:

ops setup server <server> <user>


Replace in the command before <server> with the IP address or DNS name used to access the server, and <user> with the username you have to use to access the server

Wait until the command completes and you will have OpenServerless up and running.

Post Install

ops setup server <server> <user> --uninstall

Last modified August 31, 2024: Merge all work done until now (#23) (3327e3a)